rv livingWelcome to Best RV Living. My wife and I decided to create this site to tell you our story about moving to a lifestyle of full-time rving. Right now, we are in the early stages of planning and migrating to rv living, so we felt that if we documented our journey, it would greatly help you in pursuing your dreams to rv freedom!

So, feel free to venture into our site to see all our trials and tribulations, (and there are just a few), and save yourself a bit of grief! So, let us tell you about the big why?

Why would you start Full-Time RV Living?

Β Great question. My wife and I are in our late 30’s, and mid 40’s, so we are by no means retired and have a gold mine in the bank. But we do have a big dream to travel the world and see as much as we can before we can no longer do so.

Last year, I left my full-time job. It was a radical life decision. I was on the top of my game, so to speak, and doing quite well. I walked away from a very lucrative salary to start building an income that pays us long term instead of right now.

I’ve currently been actively ‘retired’ for little over a year, and it’s been quite the ride. Not an easy ride, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. My wife and I finally came to the realization that we needed to take the next step and become globe trotters.

As a way to step into this lifestyle and finally see the rest of North America before we take off to other countries was to consider full-time rv living. Now, I can tell you, that this decision was not lightly made. We have three children, two in the teens and one at the age of seven.

Our seven year old is thrilled. But our teenagers, well, let’s just say, not so thrilled. One is not sure but the elder is not super happy about it. I can understand. He has friends and relationships that he doesn’t want to leave.

So, just to tell you, we have seriously considered our leap to rv living.

Up and Coming

Up and coming is our trials and tribulations. We will keep you posted to information that we found very helpful, plus our personal insights. We haven’t yet purchased an rv, as we are considering several models and makes.

Bookmark our site and I’ll promise you an interesting journey to full-time rv living!